

Umweltbildungsprojekt "Ein Wolf macht Schule"

"Ein Wolf macht Schule" ist ein eigenständiges Projekt von CHWOLF und bezweckt die aktive, fundierte und stufengerechte Aufklärung über den Wolf und seine Umwelt für Kinder und Jugendliche.




European Wilderness Society

The European Wilderness Society is the only Pan-European, wilderness and environmental advocacy non-profit organization with a dedicated multi-cultural and very experienced professional team of wilderness and wildlife specialists, nature conservationists, researchers and scientists, tourism experts, marketing and business professionals, legal advisors and wilderness advocates whose mission is to identify, designate, steward and promote European Wilderness, WILDForests, WILDRivers, WILDCoasts and WILDIslands.
The European Wilderness Society is also dedicated to the education of the next generation of Europeans on Wilderness.



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